Beta v0.6.1 | |
Date | 29 January 2018 |
Version | 0.6.1 |
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Closed Beta I Patch Notes CB1 Hotfix 2/2 Patch Notes | |
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Alpha v0.4.5 | Beta v0.6.3 |
New city: Helm[]
- Large peaceful and very scenic city
- Mining / Crafting City
- Conveniently close to many large mining caves
- Coastline great for fishing
- Resides in the Eastern Frontier
New city: Pyros Landing[]
- Compact bustling and very utilitarian city
- Monster Hunting / Faction City
- Sits on the southern tip of the Southern Rim
- Great area for mid level lumberjacking
New area: Eastern Frontier[]
- Helm
- Smoking Ruins
- Mer Beach
- Bandit Camp
- Mysterious Brazier
Catacombs is reopened![]
- Revamped loot / monsters updated for Legends of Aria
- Requires skulls dropped from Ruin, Deception and Contempt (rare drop on any mob)
Additional undead world dungeon opened: Contempt[]
- Contains the boss Kho, General of Demons
Mob loot changes[]
- Loot has been adjusted across all mobs
- Low end scroll drop rate has been increased
- Mobs were granted new abilities
- Guard Zones refactored to support new towns
- Guards will now run to the aid of people who are being meteored
- Guards are much harder to evade
- More guard towers added along main paths
- Guards in the Oasis and Outpost are now neutral (They will defend anyone who is attacked)
- Subregion names have been added and your current region is now displayed under the mini-map
- Reduced the number of main roads to only the roads the connect cities
- Main Roads are marked with braziers and are much wider than normal paths
- Unique landmarks added around the world
Teleport towers[]
- Teleport towers have been moved closer to cities
- Teleport tower mages are now invulnerable
- Teleport tower mages now instakill aggressors nearby
- Added the ability to recall and portal off runes that are purchased from teleport tower mages
UI Overhaul[]
- Skinned windows to LoA UI theme
- New character window
- Revamped skills window
- New ability window
- Minimal game HUD
- Spell bar now supports 20 spells / abilities
- Region name and guard protection status added to the game HUD
- Container UI has been minimalized
- Corpses now open as coffins instead of backpacks
- Items in containers like your backpack have been scaled and rotated so they look correct
Combat changes[]
Healing changes[]
- Bandages now apply instantly
- Recently bandaged debuff reduced to 13 seconds
- Salve now functions like gauze did previously (gauze is now useless)
Spell changes[]
- Casting recovering removed
- Releasing a spell while stunned will now fizzle the spell
- Spell damage was modified
Mana changes[]
- Increased the amount of mana gained from intelligence
- Added 'Focus' to the Staff, Stave, and Spell Book
- Focus is an active mana regen ability based off of a players channelling skill
- Passive mana regeneration rates are now based on a players channelling skill, and current armor equipped
- Passive mana regeneration has been removed from robes
Weapon changes[]
- Damage now scales from equipped weapon for Stab, Slash, Bash, Powershot, Overpower
- Modified weapon damage and attack speeds
- Nerfed 'Stab' damage on daggers from x4 to x3
Ability system[]
- Ability exp grants ability points which are used to unlock abilities
- Abilities are now dragged to the spell bar instead of automatically appearing at the bottom
- Knight charge now requires heavy armor equipped to perform
- Stun strike now has a radius of 5
- Reduced Rogue Backstab damage to 50/70/90
Karma system[]
- Old criminal system removed
- All names (except ImportantNpcs) are color dependent on their karma, conflict applies to all mobiles, karma applies to all mobiles, can gain karma by killing mobs with red names
- Conflict icons
- Aggressor icon shows when you can attack someone with no karma penalty (Since they have started a fight)
- Aggressed icon shows when you can be attacked without penalty (Since you started a fight)
- Warning icon shows if you are about to take a karma loss from hitting someone
- Karma Levels: Outcast (Red), Scoundrel (Pink), Rude (Grey), Neutral (White), Good (Blue) Honest (Navy), Trustworthy (Yellow)
- Karma Gain/Loss is dependent on the karma level of the affected person
- Guards are hostile towards 'Outcasts' in all cities besides the Oasis and the Outpost
- Ways to Lose Karma (No karma loss will be incurred if an aggressive act is committed against an Outcast)
- Looting the corpse of any player
- Looting a monster that has been killed by another player
- Initiating an attack on a player
- Murdering another player
- Performing beneficial acts on Outcasts (This includes resurrecting, healing, and buffing)
- Players will never lose karma when they are the defender in a conflict. Ex. If a neutral player attacks an Outcast, but the Outcast kills the neutral player, the Outcast will not lose karma
- If a player performs beneficial acts on another player that is an aggressor he will adopt that players conflicts (and thus any karma loss due to killing another player)
- Karma is gained by killing players and/or monsters less than neutral karma
- There is no karma loss when fighting in an arena, between guildmates, or between factions
Housing changes[]
- Removed House auto-kicker
Mount changes[]
- Prestige Abilities now work while mounted
- Weapon Abilities now work while mounted
- Mounts are dismissed to statues
- Mounts can not be summoned while in combat
- Getting hit causes you to be dazed (lose mount speed)
- While dazed you have a 50% chance to be dismounted
- Wyverns are no longer mountable
Magical Guide[]
- Can now locate nearest teleport tower and stable master
- Automatically dismisses after a few minutes of inactivity
- Can be dismissed from the context menu
- Removed fast gains from 0
- Slowed stat gains across the board
Crafting changes[]
- Item parts and recipes removed
- Adjustments to ore availability
- Removed 'milling' ability hatchet
- Mobs now drop leather hides which must crafted into tanned leather
- Switched Crusader and Lich blade tiers
- Switched Large and Heater shield tiers
- Switched white staff/redemption and Sunstaff/Dead Staff tiers
- Crafting recipes adjusted
Additional changes[]
- Default zoom level and camera field of view updated
- Increase amount you can zoom in
- Added sound effects to many existing mobs
- New music tracks added
- Inns now sell cooking pots
- Campfires refuse to be placed if doing so would cause a nearby mobile to immediately cause it to go out
- Mana regeneration has been removed from campfires
- Collision and Mouse Movement System Overhaul
- Torch can now be equipped along side a two-handed weapon
- Added hirelings to Valus
- Harpy spawn moved to its proper location
- Removed many dead quests that were confusing the heck out of newbies
- Players are no longer ejected from their house upon death
- Returned lower limit skill gains between 0-10 (0.3 per gain) and 10-20 (0.2 per gain)
Hotfix 2/2[]
- Fixed using bandages to revive dead players (Requires at least 80 skill in both healing and vigor)
- Removed beneficial barrier on bandages.
- Fix item categories for woodsmith
- Fix multiple items getting equipped when switching templates at character creation
- Fix items appearing behind the coffin when opening player corpses
- Fix catacombs walls
- New weapons will have the proper Attack value in the tooltip
- Adjust Contempt Demon Lord loot / stats
- Added channeling skill gain check while actively focusing (mana regen)
- Changed the way cotton spawns in Eldier Village
- Added dynamic cotton farm to Pyros Landing
- Fixed autorestart spamming system message
- Players can no longer be mounted while harvesting resources
- Catacombs guards will not actively attack reds
- Stablemaster should restock horses reliably