Legends of Aria Wiki

The information in this article is up-to-date as of version Early Access v0.8.6.

Clothing Dye
Clothing Dye
Weight: 1

Clothing Dye is a reward from the Fabrication crafting orders. There are 5 different dyes that are obtainable from different tiers of crafting orders.

Clothing Dyes are a one use item that you can use on clothing items such as cloaks.


  1. Blaze
  2. Shade
  3. Crimson
  4. Vile
  5. Ice
Color Crafting Order Tier Example
Blaze 9 Blaze cloak
Shade 7 Shade Cloak
Crimson 8 Crimson Cloak
Vile 9 Vile Cloak
Ice 9* Ice cloak

*Rarer Dye in tier 9

Sources[ | ]

The following tables shows which Crafting orders will give you a chance for each tier:

Tier 7 Tier 8 Tier 9
Item Quantity Resource Item Quantity Resource Item Quantity Resource
PaddedHelm 10 SilkCloth PaddedHelm 15 SilkCloth HardenedHood 10 VileLeather
HardenedHood 15 Leather PaddedHelm 20 SilkCloth LinenLegs 15 SilkCloth
HardenedHood 20 Leather PaddedHelm 40 SilkCloth LinenLegs 20 SilkCloth
HardenedHood 40 Leather PaddedHelm 60 SilkCloth LinenLegs 40 SilkCloth
HardenedHood 60 Leather PaddedHelm 80 SilkCloth LinenLegs 60 SilkCloth
HardenedHood 80 Leather PaddedHelm 100 SilkCloth LinenLegs 80 SilkCloth
HardenedHood 100 Leather HardenedHood 15 BeastLeather LinenLegs 100 SilkCloth
HardenedHood 5 VileLeather HardenedHood 20 BeastLeather MageRobes 15 SilkCloth
HardenedHood 10 BeastLeather HardenedHood 40 BeastLeather MageRobes 20 SilkCloth
PaddedLegs 10 SilkCloth HardenedHood 60 BeastLeather MageRobes 40 SilkCloth
LinenLegs 15 QuiltedCloth HardenedHood 80 BeastLeather MageRobes 60 SilkCloth
LinenLegs 20 QuiltedCloth HardenedHood 100 BeastLeather MageRobes 80 SilkCloth
LinenLegs 40 QuiltedCloth PaddedLegs 15 SilkCloth MageRobes 100 SilkCloth
LinenLegs 60 QuiltedCloth PaddedLegs 20 SilkCloth LinenChest 15 SilkCloth
LinenLegs 80 QuiltedCloth PaddedLegs 40 SilkCloth LinenChest 20 SilkCloth
LinenLegs 100 QuiltedCloth PaddedLegs 60 SilkCloth LinenChest 40 SilkCloth
LinenLegs 10 SilkCloth PaddedLegs 80 SilkCloth LinenChest 60 SilkCloth
MageRobes 15 QuiltedCloth PaddedLegs 100 SilkCloth LinenChest 80 SilkCloth
MageRobes 20 QuiltedCloth MageRobes 10 SilkCloth LinenChest 100 SilkCloth
MageRobes 40 QuiltedCloth LinenChest 10 SilkCloth LeatherHelm 15 VileLeather
MageRobes 60 QuiltedCloth LeatherHelm 10 VileLeather LinenHelm 40 SilkCloth
MageRobes 80 QuiltedCloth LeatherHelm 15 BeastLeather LinenHelm 60 SilkCloth
MageRobes 100 QuiltedCloth LeatherHelm 20 BeastLeather LinenHelm 80 SilkCloth
MageRobes 5 SilkCloth LeatherHelm 40 BeastLeather LinenHelm 100 SilkCloth
LinenChest 15 QuiltedCloth LeatherHelm 60 BeastLeather LeatherChest 10 VileLeather
LinenChest 20 QuiltedCloth LeatherHelm 80 BeastLeather HardenedLeggings 10 VileLeather
LinenChest 40 QuiltedCloth LeatherHelm 100 BeastLeather HardenedChest 10 VileLeather
LinenChest 60 QuiltedCloth LinenHelm 15 SilkCloth
LinenChest 80 QuiltedCloth LinenHelm 20 SilkCloth
LinenChest 100 QuiltedCloth PaddedChest 15 SilkCloth
LeatherHelm 80 Leather PaddedChest 20 SilkCloth
LeatherHelm 100 Leather PaddedChest 40 SilkCloth
LeatherHelm 5 VileLeather PaddedChest 60 SilkCloth
LinenHelm 20 QuiltedCloth PaddedChest 80 SilkCloth
LinenHelm 40 QuiltedCloth PaddedChest 100 SilkCloth
LinenHelm 60 QuiltedCloth LeatherChest 15 BeastLeather
LinenHelm 80 QuiltedCloth LeatherChest 20 BeastLeather
LinenHelm 100 QuiltedCloth LeatherChest 40 BeastLeather
LinenHelm 10 SilkCloth LeatherChest 60 BeastLeather
PaddedChest 10 SilkCloth LeatherChest 80 BeastLeather
LeatherChest 15 Leather LeatherChest 100 BeastLeather
LeatherChest 20 Leather HardenedLeggings 5 VileLeather
LeatherChest 40 Leather HardenedLeggings 15 BeastLeather
LeatherChest 60 Leather HardenedLeggings 20 BeastLeather
LeatherChest 80 Leather HardenedLeggings 40 BeastLeather
LeatherChest 100 Leather HardenedLeggings 60 BeastLeather
LeatherChest 5 VileLeather HardenedLeggings 80 BeastLeather
LeatherChest 10 BeastLeather HardenedLeggings 100 BeastLeather
HardenedLeggings 15 Leather HardenedChest 5 VileLeather
HardenedLeggings 20 Leather HardenedChest 15 BeastLeather
HardenedLeggings 40 Leather HardenedChest 20 BeastLeather
HardenedLeggings 60 Leather HardenedChest 40 BeastLeather
HardenedLeggings 80 Leather HardenedChest 60 BeastLeather
HardenedLeggings 100 Leather HardenedChest 80 BeastLeather
HardenedLeggings 10 BeastLeather HardenedChest 100 BeastLeather
HardenedChest 15 Leather LeatherLegs 10 VileLeather
HardenedChest 20 Leather LeatherLegs 15 BeastLeather
HardenedChest 40 Leather LeatherLegs 20 BeastLeather
HardenedChest 60 Leather LeatherLegs 40 BeastLeather
HardenedChest 80 Leather LeatherLegs 60 BeastLeather
HardenedChest 100 Leather LeatherLegs 80 BeastLeather
HardenedChest 10 BeastLeather LeatherLegs 100 BeastLeather
LeatherLegs 20 Leather
LeatherLegs 40 Leather
LeatherLegs 60 Leather
LeatherLegs 80 Leather
LeatherLegs 100 Leather
LeatherLegs 5 VileLeather
LeatherLegs 10 BeastLeather