Halls of Deception Location
Dungeon Deception is a dungeon located in the Barren Lands in Celador. It is made up of 2 levels. There are floor traps throughout the dungeon.
This information is correct after the hotfix patch on v1.0.0 (PR 10) went live.
Level 1[]
The first level of Deception is made up of 1 large zone, however it has a number of teleport to help you jump from 1 part to another.
- Entrance
- Scaled Lizardman, Lizardman Archer, Lizardman
- wTeleport to point 4.
- Teleport to point 3.
- Lizardman Mage
- Lizardman Mage, Lizardman
- Entrance to level 2
- Lizardman, Lizardman Archer
- Lizardman, Lizardman Archer
- Lizardman
- Viper
- Viper, Scaled Lizardman
- Viper, Scorched Beetle
- Scorched Beetle, Venomous Beetle
Level 2[]
Tahe second level of Deception is made up of one larger zone which is accessible via a Rope ladder located on the west side of Deception.

- Entrance
- Scaled Lizardman, Lizardman Archer, Venomous Beetle, Dark Serpent
- Dark Serpent
- Dark Serpent
- Scorched Beetle
- Goliath
- Gorgon, Scorched Beetle, Venomous Beetle
- Gorgon, Scorched Beetle, Venomous Beetle
- Drake, Dragon
- Hunter Crocodile, Gorgon
- Venomous Beetle, Scorched Beetle, Gorgon
- Drake Dragon
- Goliath
- Gorgon, Dark Serpent, Venomous Beetle
- Drake
Other notes of Interest[]
Dungeon Chests can be found in of the Halls of Deception. These require the Lockpicking Skill to open and Lockpicks tool.