Magical Attunement is a mage skill that increases damage to offensive Evocation spells, or healing to Manifestation spells when a player is holding a Staff or Wand.
- Magical Attunement damage bonus only works while holding Staff/staves and Wands.
- Attuned staves and wands grant an amount of spell power based on a combination of the item’s quality and your Magical Attunement skill.
- Attuned staves and wands drop throughout the world, and cannot currently be crafted or enchanted.
- Staves and wands grant evasion when worn based on your magic skills, just as spellbooks do.
- Players gain Magical Attunement skill by equipping an attuned staff or wand and casting spells.
Training[ | ]
Magical Attunement cannot be trained from an NPC. To train Magic Attunement the player must be equipped with a Staff or Wand.
Spell | Gain Range |
Mana Missile | 0.0 - 20.0 |
Cure | 20.0 - 25.0 |
Teleport | 25.0 - 45.0 |
Greater Heal | 45.0 - 64.0 |
Cloak | 64.0 - 84.0 |
Portal | 84.0 - 100.0 |